I've searched a little around, and the general feeling I got is that it can't be done.
Well, I've put together a not-so-pretty hack which seem to work for me, so maybe it can be of use to others, or maybe somebody has improvements, or reasons about why I shouldn't be doing this :P
Make a bookmark in this way:
1. go in your bookmarks menu
2. right-click somewhere and select "new bookmark"
3. write this thing as the URL of the bookmark:
javascript:(function(){ $("#playerzone .player").css("display", "none"); $("#macrobar_macros").css("white-space", "normal"); $("#macrobar").css("height", "auto"); $("#macrobar_macros .macrobox .btn").each(function(){ $(this).text( $(this).text().replace(/[^:]+: /, "")); }); $("#initiativewindow").css("width", "100px").parent().css("width", "100px"); })();
4. give it a name and save
5. after the tabletop has fully loaded, click on this bookmark
It actually does a couple of things:
- Puts the macros on multiple lines
- Hides the bar with the player names (maybe that's unnecessary, in my first test it went over the macro bar so I hid it)
- Hides all the occurrences of your player's name from the macro buttons
- Shrinks the "Turn Order" box a little
Note: This is quite harmless, in the worst case scenario F5-ing will make everything back as it was before (it only alters the in-memory style sheet), but please don't put random javascript in your browser if you don't know what you're doing. Random-person-on-the-internets-myself is not taking responsibility of anything anyway.
Well, I've put together a not-so-pretty hack which seem to work for me, so maybe it can be of use to others, or maybe somebody has improvements, or reasons about why I shouldn't be doing this :P
Make a bookmark in this way:
1. go in your bookmarks menu
2. right-click somewhere and select "new bookmark"
3. write this thing as the URL of the bookmark:
javascript:(function(){ $("#playerzone .player").css("display", "none"); $("#macrobar_macros").css("white-space", "normal"); $("#macrobar").css("height", "auto"); $("#macrobar_macros .macrobox .btn").each(function(){ $(this).text( $(this).text().replace(/[^:]+: /, "")); }); $("#initiativewindow").css("width", "100px").parent().css("width", "100px"); })();
4. give it a name and save
5. after the tabletop has fully loaded, click on this bookmark
It actually does a couple of things:
- Puts the macros on multiple lines
- Hides the bar with the player names (maybe that's unnecessary, in my first test it went over the macro bar so I hid it)
- Hides all the occurrences of your player's name from the macro buttons
- Shrinks the "Turn Order" box a little
Note: This is quite harmless, in the worst case scenario F5-ing will make everything back as it was before (it only alters the in-memory style sheet), but please don't put random javascript in your browser if you don't know what you're doing. Random-person-on-the-internets-myself is not taking responsibility of anything anyway.